Mastercard Global Office

With over 33,000 employees across the globe, Mastercard is a leading multinational payment card services corporation. The large headquarters in New York was proving to be an acoustically challenging space, which is why they came to EDC for innovative loudspeaker solutions.

Jun 2024
Initial Brief

The client came to us with a need for a multi-use solution. It needed to cover multiple audience shapes depending on different modes of use; including full space for events and small presentations in front of the video wall.  


  • High reverberation, low intelligibility space
  • Multi use areas


Combining the audio power of the EDC SQ90, SS3, and SC60SL, we achieved extremely high STI (over 0.85) for a room with an RT60 of over 6 seconds.  


The client was extremely happy with the results, commenting, ‘’I would not have believed the STI performance if proved in advance’’ and was amazed by the high STI results and evenness of coverage.

They can now achieve different modes with intimate, close sounding audio quality. And critically, what once sounded like sound in a large reverberant space is now identical to the experience of listening in a lounge room.  

Kit List

8x SQ90

2x SS3

8x SC60SL

Key Features

  • High-performance - With a unique scaling feature, the S-Series creates musical audio experiences in even the most acoustically challenging spaces.
  • High intelligibility - Developed by experts, for everybody. Our flexible speakers blend seamlessly into your existing space for easy adoption.  
  • Discreet form factor - Loud in impact and discreet in design, the S-Series is both stylish and sleek - ideal for all corporate environments.
  • Reliability and control - All EDC Acoustic products are created to the highest industry standard, with a proven 100% reliability track record.

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